Mail list is an important feature on Truehost Hosting that allows one to send email to multiple email addresses at ago. Useful for making group communication and sending newsletters.

Kindly note there are limits under every account for maximum emails that can be sent per hour.

Truehost Bronze

Allows sending of up to 200 emails per hour

Truehost Silver

Allows sending of up to 200 emails per hour

Truehost Gold

Allows sending of up to 400 emails per hour


Truehost Unlimited

Allows sending of up to 500 emails per hour


Creating Mail List on Cpanel

To create a mail list, login to your Cpanel account

Go to Mails Section

Click on Mail List


Against the List name – capture the mail list name

Select the domain to use

Fill in a password

Select Access level for the list

Private means –the mail list subscription can only be approved by the administrator

Public – Means subscription does not require approval


A successful creation message will be displayed

Click manage to view other functions


What are some of the importance of mail list in the Cpanel?

Sending of Newsletter to many email address at one go

Sending of any other group email communication to multiple email addresses.

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