This tutorial is meant to help you able to manage and raise support tickets on truehost client area.

  1. Login to the client area using your registered email and password.
  2. Click open ticket tab
  3. Choose either billing or technical tickets depending with your need.

Billing support: includes all payment related issues

Technical support: includes all issues related to technicalities around domain registrations, dns, hosting, emails etc.

4.   In the next window, fill in the required fields i.e.

Name: your name

Email address: your email address, must be a working email address

Subject: the title of your message, must be brief

Department: choose either billing or technical

Priority: choose low. Medium or high to determine the level of urgency

Message: the message itself

Attachments: any screenshot or attachment to support your message.

5. Hit submit button and you’ll be done.

6. Wait for the reply for not more than 25mins.

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