Absolutely YES.

Truehost is home to all Web and Cloud Solutions. Web and Cloud security is on top of our specialties.

Truehost is an appointed SSL reseller for all the major CA (Certification Authorities).

CA refer to the trusted third party that both the website owner and website visitor rely on to ensure security and integrity of data transmission.

Truehost resell certificate and Security addons from the following CA:

-        Comodo

-        Symantec

-        Digicert

-        Globalsign

-        Trustwave

-        Verizon

-        e.t.c


A client start by comparing the various certificate as available on Truehost Website > SSL Certificates.

Once the client has made a choice, the client places, and order and pays for the ordered SSL certificate.

The order is received by the CA.

The CA requires the client to configure for Certificate in his or her server for the particular domain.

Configuring involve filling and submission of identification information and subsequent generation of CSR Request in the SSL section of Cpanel or WHM

Configuration takes place at the Client Area section, under My Services > Manage > Awaiting Configuration.

CA will then issue the client with the certificate in text form or in Zipped format, in addition to the certificate; CA also issues Certificate Seal for installation on the website frontend.

A client can then submit the certificate to Truehost for free installation.

Get Secure today. Get SSL Certificate at the best price at Truehost.

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